Friday Oct 29, 2021

Ep: 16 - Rethink - Life is a Series of Starting Over Moments

Welcome to a new segment of Starting Overdrive called RETHINK in which we explore various issues related to starting over in an effort to rethink conventional perception of change, life at large, and what it means on many levels to deal with that change.

With this new segment of the podcast, the goal is to re-explore, re-examine, and rethink issues and topics that should be re-thought so that we can better process and handle change as it relates to starting over.

Get ready to rethink how you look at a variety of issues, dynamics, and topics related to starting over.

The first episode of RETHINK explores how life at large is a series of starting over moments.

This new segment raises such interesting questions and topics as:

- Dealing with constant change

- Dealing with sudden change

- Being forced to start over

- Starting over by choice

- How we are afraid of change

- Why are we so afraid of change?

- Why are some people better equipped to deal with change?

- How we avoid the pain of change

- Preparing to expect the unexpected

- Rethinking how we process change

- Starting over for someone in need

- Surrendering to unexpected change

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