Friday Oct 08, 2021

Ep: 15 - Turning Points - Reg Seeton - The Biggest Opportunity of My Life

In the eighth part of the new segment of Starting Overdrive called Turning Points, which explores life-defining events of irreversible change, creator and host, Reg Seeton, continues his story of starting over after a life-defining accident changed his life.

After being hit by a car, spending a week in a coma, surviving three major brain surgeries, nearly losing his life, and enduring five years of recovery, Reg never thought he'd have a professional career. His friends and peers passed him by in university and career while his life was on hold. 

Moving across the country into the unknown, finding himself lost in search of direction, starting over again, Reg eventually discovered his true purpose and career path.

In Part 8, Reg tells the story of the biggest opportunity of his life. 

After a chance meeting in 1996, Reg was asked to join a popular online team in the early days of the Internet. As a result of this new opportunity, Reg's professional world opened up in ways he could have never imagined, taking him to Los Angeles, New York City, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Hawaii, Hollywood and beyond.

In this Turning Points episode, topics and themes include:

- The early Internet and embracing the unknown

- A key meeting of like minds

- The online landscape of 1995

- How the Internet was disrupting the writing world

- The biggest opportunity at the right time

- The online entertainment industry in 1996

- Remaining open to opportunity

- Starting a media career at the top of an industry

- A direct mainline to Hollywood and the keys to the Kingdom

- Disrupting the corporate powers of the entertainment industry

- Disrupting the traditional print publication industry

- Renegades versus journalists

- The fight for credibility

- Creating an industry

- Early remote working

- Overcoming fear and self-doubt

- Understanding opportunity and the unknown

- Starting over and the cyclical nature of life

- Starting over when the entire world was forced to start over

- How starting over became a huge career opportunity

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